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Posture Improvements

Case 1 | Case 2 | Case 3 | Case 4 | Case 5 | Case 6 | Case 7 | Case 8 | Case 9 | Case 10 | Case 11 | Case 12 | (please select freely)

◆Case 12: Neck, lower back, and left hip joint pain, shoulder stiffness, and rounded back

Probably since this person works in an office and she has to sit all day, her posture was distorted, and she felt uneasiness in her neck, shoulder, waist, and hip joint.
After practicing Shisei, her back is clearly straight in the picture above, although to some extent her shoulder still remains tilted to the left.
Source: Bulletin "SHIZEN na SHISEI" No. 33, November 2011 [in Japanese]

Neck, lower back, and left hip joint pain, shoulder stiffness, and rounded back
Before                After

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◆Case 11: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

This 15-year-old girl did not want to use a scoliosis brace (CTLSO), so she practiced in Shisei class about once a week. The photo on the right side was taken 11 months after she started Shisei exercises. By comparing the two photos below, it is clear that her right shoulder became lower.

Idiopathic Scoliosis
Before              After

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◆Case 10: Waist pain

During work time, this person became unable to stand up, and even after the passage of three days he still could not stand up. Then he came to a Shisei class and immediately afterwards, he could stand up without difficulty, and he was able to go to work the next day.
Source: Bulletin "Chuyo" No. 28, issued in April 2008 [in Japanese]

◆Case 1: Waist pain
Before                After

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◆Case 9: Hip joint pain

For some reason, this person was unable to move her left hip joint due to the pain. After practicing Shisei seidou exercises, she no longer had pain, and was able to move her left hip.
Source: Bulletin "SHIZEN na SHISEI" No. 31, issued in September 2011 [in Japanese]

Hip Joint pain
Before              After

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◆Case 8: Dizziness

This person had pain from the right shoulder down to her little finger. She also felt dizzy, which made it very difficult to walk. The reason for these problems was not identified although she underwent various medical exams in the hospital. She practiced Shisei seidou exercises for about 1 hour. She was able to improve her posture, and raise her height, and her shoulder pain and dizziness were alleviated.

◆Case 3: Dizziness
Before                After

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◆Case 7: Right shoulder pain due to calcified stone

This person suddenly noticed that she was not able to raise her arms. Although she underwent injections and electric therapy in the hospital, she was not able to put her condition in order, and thus she decided to come to the Shisei class. After practicing Shisei seidou for about 1 week, she was able to raise her arms considerably better than before.
Reference: Bulletin "Chuyo" No.23, issued in 2006

◆Case 4: Right shoulder pain due to calcified stone
Before              After

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◆Case 6: Interlacing fingers and stretching arms in front of the chest

This person compared the following two movements after stretching his hands in front of his chest:
(A) Stretching arms straight with the fingers interlaced and the palms facing downward, and then outwards.
(B) Stretching arms straight with the fingers interlaced and the palms facing upward.
He was not able to stretch his arms if his palms were facing downward (movement B).
After the seido (movemen A, 8 seconds, 4 times), he was able to stretch his arms.

◆Case 5: Holding hands and stretching arms in front of the chest
Before              After

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◆Case 5: Shoulder and neck pain due to sprained neck

When this person woke up in the morning, she was not able to move her neck. Due to the pain, it took more than 30 minutes to get up from the bed. She was not able to stand up without support. After Chief Awaker Katayama of Shisei Planet “woke up” the natural healing power dormant in this person, she found her most suitable Shisei seidou. She continued similar Shisei seidou at home, and three days later her pain went away completely. That day, she was able to play a footsal game.

◆Case 6: Shoulder and neck pain due to sprained neck
Before            After

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◆Case 4: Shoulder Pain

Due to shoulder pain, this person was not able to raise her arms completely. After doing seidou in the Shisei method, she was able to raise her hands without discomfort

◆Case 7: Shoulder Pain
Before               After

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◆Case 3: Poor posture due to eye trouble

This 19-year-old male in 2007 underwent surgery for a squint when he was in the second grade of elementary school. At his first examination by Chief Awaker Katayama of Shisei Planet he only had 0.1 vision (20/200 vision using the foot as a unit of measurement) and he also had lateral curvature of the spine which may have been due to his poor eyesight. He started the Shisei method in July 2005. Improvements in his posture were seen in a check-up in February 2007, when his vision had improved to 0.6 (20/32).

◆Case 8: Poor posture due to eye trouble
Before              After

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◆Case 2: Lower back pain

This person was a sixth grade elementary school student, who was playing volleyball as a school club activity. He developed severe pain in the back and numbness in both feet, becoming unable to walk. The orthopedist was not able to identify the reason for these symptoms. On the day he started Shisei seidou his symptoms showed improvement; at a later date, they disappeared.
Source: Bulletin "Chuyo" No.7, issued in 2006 [in Japanese]

◆Case 9: Low back pain
Before              After

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◆Case 1: Lumbar disc hernia

This person (a professional athlete) was placed in a hospital due to lumbar disc hernia. After starting the Shisei method, his symptoms gradually decreased, and he was able to leave the hospital.

◆Case 10: Lumbar disc hernia
Before              After

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